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Take, Take, Blocked

You get LinkedIn DMs daily.

The cold emails pour in endlessly.

Each one promises the moon but offers no value.

Just “me, me, me” self-promotion and thinly veiled sales pitches.

This "take, take, take" approach is a formula for failure.

It treats the prospect like a faceless target, not a real person.

Of course, you see right through it and hit delete.

We all crave real relationships.

Not transactional spam from strangers spraying and praying.

There is a better way to connect authentically:

Give first. 

Give some more.

Give even more.

Give, even if it feels like you’re giving away the secret sauce.

Offer value without expectation.

Build trust slowly through generosity.

Focus on what’s in it for them before promoting yourself.

Then make occasional, humble asks.

This approach might not generate immediate wins. 

But it creates lasting bonds and referrals.

It’s proof you’re playing the long game.

Don't become what you despise - a spammer.

Give, give, give.

That’s the recipe for getting paid back many times over.